Paper 1: Socrates paper topic
Main paper question:
1. Which conclusion do you believe is strongest, Socrates’s or Crito’s?
2. Your answer must include the following parts:
a. Justification (premises) in support of the option you chose, each premise in turn explained and justified by further premises. In other words, your main premises must be supported by at least one sub-argument. You must include at least 5 premises as support (and hence, at least 5 sub-arguments). See your text book for further information on writing extended arguments, as well as your class notes.
b. You must deal with the main challenges facing each option, either as formulated by Crito, Socrates, or yourself, as appropriate for each section of your paper.
c. Your paper must be no fewer than 6 full pages, but no more than 10 full pages TOTAL. Font size/margins are standard college guidelines.
d. You will not be required to cite sources in this paper. However, if you use ideas from others, cite using any form of citation your feel comfortable with. Wikipedia and other non-scholarly citations will not be accepted as college-level sources. Original sources are acceptable. It is also acceptable to use only your own arguments. However, I would very strongly suggest that you rely on Crito as a main source.
e. A complete standardization of your argument, including the main argument and any sub-arguments you have made. There were be one main argument and at least 5 sub-arguments in your standardization.
f. For each main premise/argument used in your paper (there will be at least 6 of them – 1 main argument and 5 sub-arguments), state the pattern of argument used, as well as an explanation as to why that pattern of argument was a good choice for that premise/argument. You may find Chapters 2 and 3 in your text useful. See appendices in your book for examples.
3. e-mail your completed paper to on or before the due date of the assignment.