Philosophy 111
Fall, 2016
Class 1: August 22: Introduction to Philosophy 111 syllabus, Introduction to the course
Class 2: August 24: Setting the stage for philosophy: ancient thought and life
Homework: Watch Crucible of Civilization as an intro to Grecian world, From Chapter 2, read the introduction, Thales, Anaximander, Xenophanes, Heraclitus
Class 3: August 29: The Pre-socratics
Homework: From Chapter 2, read Parmenides, Zeno, Atomism (and sub-sections on atomism)
Class 4: August 31: Socrates
Homework: From Chapter 3, read The introduction, The Sophists (and sub-sections on the sophists), From Chapter 4, read Character, Is Socrates a Sophist?, What Socrates Knows, We Ought To Search for Truth.
In-class: Quiz over chapter 2 reading, and lecture from Classes 1-3 (Quiz study tip: Study chapter 2 questions relevant to the reading, as well as the answers to the 4 questions we asked in class about the pre-socratics)
Homework: From Chapter 4, read The introduction, Human Excellence is Knowledge, All Wrongdoing is Due to Ignorance, The most Important Thing of All Is to Care for Your Soul, From Chapter 5, read the introduction, Euthyphro (and all sub-sections on Euthyphro), and Apology (and all sub-sections on Apology)
Class 6: September 12: Socrates
In-class: Quiz over chapter 3 reading, and lecture on the Sophists from Class 4 (Quiz study tip: Study chapter 3 questions relevant to the reading, as well as the answers to the 4 questions we asked in class about the Sophists)
Homework: From Chapter 5, read Crito (and sub-sections), and Phaedo (and sub-sections)
Class 7: September 14: Socrates
In-class: Quiz over chapter 4 reading, and lecture from Class notes covering chapter 4 material. (Quiz study tip: Study chapter 4 questions relevant to the reading as well as notes covering material from class 4)
Homework: catch up on reading
Class 8: September 19: :Plato
In Class: Quiz over chapter 5 reading, and lecture from Class concerning chapter 5 (Quiz study tip: Study chapter 5 questions relevant to the reading, as well as the answers to the 4 questions we asked in class about Socrates)
Homework: From Chapter 6, read The introduction, Knowledge and Opinion (and sub-sections), The World and the Forms (and sub-sections)
Class 9: September 21: Plato
Homework: From Chapter 6, The Soul (and sub-sections), Morality, and The Problem with the Forms
Class 10: September 26: Aristotle
Video: Greek Thought
Class 11: September 28: Aristotle
In Class: Quiz over chapter 6 reading, and lecture from Class concerning chapter 6 (Quiz study tip: Study chapter 6 questions relevant to the reading, as well as the answers to the 4 questions we asked in class about Plato)
Homework: From Chapter 7, Introduction, Aristotle and Plato (and sub-sections), Logic and Knowledge (and sub-sections)
Class 12: October 3: Aristotle
Homework: From Chapter 7, The World (and all sub-sections), First Philosophy (and all sub-sections
Class 13: October 5: Aristotle
Homework: From Chapter 7, The Soul (and subsections), The Good Life (and all sub-sections)
Class 14: October 10: In-Class assignment: Applied virtue ethics
Class 15: October 12: Epicurenas, Stoics, and Skeptics
Homework: All of Chapter 8 (please note that this reading is 19 pages long, so it is a bit longer than usual. Please plan accordingly!)
Class 16: October 17: Epicurenas, Stoics, and Skeptics
Homework: All of Chapter 8 (please note that this reading is 19 pages long, so it is a bit longer than usual. Please plan accordingly!)
Class 17: October 19: Anselm and Aquinas
Video: Anselm On God: The Ontological Argument
In-Class: Quiz over chapter 8 reading, and lecture from Class concerning chapter 8 (Quiz study tip: Study chapter 8 questions relevant to the reading, as well as the answers to the 4 questions we asked in class about the Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics.)
Homework: From Chapter 11: Introduction, Anslem and all sub-sections, Aquinas and all sub-sections.
Class 18: October 24
In-Class: Take-home quiz over Chapter 11 reading and class lecture covering Chapter 11
Homework: From Chapter 11: Introduction, Anslem and all sub-sections, Aquinas and all sub-sections.
Class 19: October 26: Mid-term exam covering all assigned reading, assigned media and in-class media, and all lecture since the beginning of the semester.
Class 20: October 31: paper topic 1 due, paper topic 2 due, paper topic 3 due
In-class: Video: History of the Renaissance
Homework: Chapter 12 (Please note that this is a longer reading, and you should plan accordingly!)
Class 21: November 2: Descartes
In-Class: Quiz over chapter 12 reading, and lecture from Class concerning chapter 12
Homework: Chapter 13: Introduction, The Method and all sub-sections through the end of Meditation III
Class 22: November 7: Descartes
Homework: Chapter 13: Meditation IV through end of the chapter.
Class 23: November 9: Hobbes
Paper topic 4 due
In-Class: Quiz over chapter 13 reading, and lecture from Class concerning chapter 13(Quiz study tip: Study chapter 13 questions relevant to the reading, as well as the answers to the 4 questions we asked in class about Descartes.)
Homework: Chapter 14: Introduction, Thomas Hobbes and all sub-sections
Class 24: November 14: Locke
Homework: Chapter 14: John Locke and all sub-sections
Class 25: November 16: Ethics: Watch The Emperor’s Club
NO CLASS NOVEMBER 21st OR NOVEMBER 23rd!!!!! 🙂 Have a peaceful and restful break filled with gratitude.
Class 26: November 28 Thomas Hobbes and John Locke (Catch-up)
Quiz 11 e-mailed to you
Paper topic 5 due
Class 27: November 30 Thomas Hobbes and John Locke (Catch-up)
Quiz 11 due (Fill out your Scantron with the correct answers and turn it in during class time)
Quiz 12 e-mailed to you
Class 28: December 5
Read Chapter 15 on Hume, all sections
Quiz 12 due (Fill out your Scantron with the correct answers and turn it in during class time)
Class 29: December 7
Read Chapter 16 on Kant, all sections
Podcast on Kant
Khan Academy on Kant (Very basic. Not a complete presentation in the least, but a nice place to begin.)
Read Chapter 20 on Nietzsche, all sections
Documentary on Nietzsche
Class 30: December 12
Final exam over chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 20
Class 31: December 14: Final exam over classes
Paper topic 6 due
Paper topic 7 due
Paper topic 8 due
Paper topic 9 due
Turn in a hard copy of your paper in person in class, even if the paper directions indicate that you should e-mail your paper. This only applies for paper topic 6-9.